Yasmae - the beautiful human behind Ezzy Family

A series of short movies about a business, the woman behind the business and what makes her a unique and incredible physiotherapist.

I have known Yasmae for several years. She is not only a friend, she is also my physiotherapist. She has helped me navigate hypermobility and the injuries that has caused me over the last years. She is both an amazing person and physio and when we talked about the marketing for her business it was such a natural and logical step to film her and her lovely space in Delft.

It was interesting for me to shoot this, as I love showing her company by showing you her. The reason Ezzy Family is a good physio center is not only because she is a very good therapist. It's because her personality and the way she sees and treats people makes her unique, and that by default makes her business unique.

I think the best way to promote anything, whether it's your business or an event, is by showing people what makes yours different from all the other versions out there. I don't mean showing that it's "better"  than others. I mean that your personality, your experience, your outlook on life is what makes your business different from any other business with the same expertise. By showing who you are, you attract the people that fit you.

Here are some of the movies I made for Yasmae.

I will share more of the movies I made for Yasmae soon.

If you would like to connect to her, or if you are local and are looking for a physiotherapist, you can connect to Yasmae here:

Website: www.ezzyfamily.nl
Instagram: @ezzy.fysiotherapie
Email: yasmae@ezzyfamily.nl

Categories: : business movie, bybiddy, portraits, video portrait